Asia Cargo Airlines rebrands with full support of the Indonesian government | Asian Business Review
, Indonesia

Asia Cargo Airlines rebrands with full support of the Indonesian government

Air Cargo Airlines saw a big opportunity in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jakarta 18 November 2021 - Air cargo service company Tri MG Airlines changes its trademark to Asia Cargo Airlines. The new name change has been effective since August 4, 2021 through the inauguration of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation.

Furthermore, Asia Cargo Network Group, as the parent company of Asia Cargo Airlines, held a grand launching of the name change on November 19, 2021 at The Ritz Carlton, Pacific Place, Jakarta.

Asia Cargo Airlines has been in the air cargo service industry since 2003. The company provides regular cargo flights to various regions in Indonesia and abroad —including Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Australia. This service is aimed at various stakeholders from the government, airlines, logistics courier companies such as DHL Express and JNE Indonesia, to manufacturing companies.

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Asia Cargo Airlines actually saw a big opportunity.

"We see that the current pandemic situation is accelerating e-commerce transactions so that the need for cargo services is getting higher," said Marco Isaak, CEO of Group Asia Cargo Airlines. " I see that the market is also not as sluggish as we imagined and the new normal situation is not something that is deadly for e-commerce," he added.

As with the duties of air cargo companies, Asia Cargo Airlines also takes on the role of connecting the unconnected.

Since 2015, the company has served the delivery of logistics needs in less accessible areas such as the interior of Papua. Not only transporting luxury goods, this cargo service to Papua also carries at least 15 tons of basic daily needs and building materials for residents.This unique flight route also serves several companies such as PT. Bulog and PT. Freeport Indonesia.

In addition to regular flight services, Asia Cargo Airlines provides executive charter services for exclusive trips. The company provides aircraft units, crew, and aircraft maintenance services.

The company's actions are not only in the business world. Asia Cargo Airlines regularly plays a role in helping countries carry out humanitarian missions. In situations of natural disasters in Aceh, Yogyakarta, and Palu, for example, the company provides cargo planes for the logistical needs of victims of natural disasters. The seriousness of Asia Cargo Airlines in this issue can also be seen from the two airlines that are used specifically for medical evacuation. During the pandemic, the company seeks to contribute by opening patient evacuation services and sending logistics to support the handling of COVID-19.

The chairman of the MPR, Mr. Bambang Soesatyo, who was present on the grand launching of the inauguration of the new name, entitled “Malam Mencakar Langit”, said that the cargo business is the business of the future but Indonesia's interests must come first.

Then the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi on the same occasion also said that the Indonesian government supports the rebranding. "Rebranding is a good step to be able to jump higher, in line with the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045," said Budi. Budi also appreciated Asia Cargo Airlines for establishing an aircraft repair shop in Kertajati so as to maximize the safety factor in flights.

The Grand Launching event itself was enlivened by the appearance of Dewa 19 with Once Mekel, Ariel Tatum, Cakra Khan, and Rosli Muharim and Band.

(Bahasa Indonesia translation)

Asia Cargo Airlines melakukan Rebranding dengan Dukungan Penuh Pemerintah Indonesia

Jakarta 18 November 2021 - Perusahaan layanan kargo udara Tri MG Airlines mengubah merek dagang menjadi Asia Cargo Airlines. Pergantian nama baru sudah efektif dilakukan sejak 4 Agustus 2021 lewat peresmian dari Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara. Selanjutnya, Asia Cargo Network Group, sebagai induk perusahaan Asia Cargo Airlines, menggelar grand launching pergantian nama pada 19 November 2021 di The Ritz Carlton, Pacific Place, Jakarta.

Asia Cargo Airlines sudah terjun di industri layanan kargo udara sejak 2003. Perusahaan menyediakan penerbangan kargo rutin ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia dan luar negeri —di antaranya Singapura, Malaysia, Vietnam, Filipina, Thailand, Hong Kong, dan Australia. Layanan ini ditujukan kepada berbagai pemangku kepentingan mulai dari pemerintah, maskapai penerbangan, perusahaan kurir logistik seperti DHL Express dan JNE Indonesia, hingga perusahaan manufaktur.

Ditengah Pandemi Covid-19, Asia Cargo Airlines justru melihat peluang besar. “Kami melihat situasi pandemi saat ini mengakselerasi transaksi ecommerce sehingga kebutuhan jasa pengiriman semakin tinggi” kata Marco Isaak, CEO of Group Asia Cargo Airlines. “Serta saya sendiri melihat pasar juga tidak lesu seperti yang kita bayangkan dan situasi new normal bukan sesuatu yang mematikan untuk ecommerce,” tambahnya.

Sebagaimana tugas perusahaan kargo udara, Asia Cargo Airlines turut mengambil peran menghubungkan yang tak terhubung. Sejak 2015, perusahaan melayani pengiriman kebutuhan logistik di daerah kurang terjangkau seperti pedalaman Papua. Tidak hanya mengangkut barang-barang mewah, layanan kargo ke Papua ini turut membawa setidaknya 15 ton kebutuhan pokok sehari-hari dan bahan bangunan penduduk. Penerbangan rute unik tersebut juga turut melayani beberapa perusahaan seperti PT. Bulog dan PT. Freeport Indonesia.

Selain pelayanan penerbangan reguler, Asia Cargo Airlines melayani jasa carter eksekutif untuk perjalanan eksklusif. Perusahaan menyediakan unit pesawat, kru, serta jasa pemeliharaan pesawat.

Sepak terjang perusahaan tidak melulu di dunia bisnis. Asia Cargo Airlines rutin mengambil peran dalam membantu negara melakukan misi-misi kemanusiaan. Pada situasi bencana alam di Aceh, Yogyakarta, dan Palu misalnya, perusahaan menyediakan pesawat kargo untuk kepentingan logistik kebutuhan korban bencana alam. Keseriusan Asia Cargo Airlines dalam isu ini juga terlihat dari dua maskapai yang dipergunakan khusus untuk evakuasi medis. Pada masa pandemi, perusahaan berupaya berkontribusi dengan membuka layanan evakuasi pasien serta pengiriman logistik penunjang penanganan COVID-19.

Ketua MPR bapak Bambang Soesatyo yang hadir pada malam grand launching peresmian nama baru bertajuk “Malam Mencakar Langit” tersebut mengatakan bahwa bisnis cargo adalah bisnis masa depan namun kepentingan indonesia harus menjadi yang utama.

Kemudian Menteri Perhubungan, Budi Karya Sumadi dalam kesempatan yang sama juga menyampaikan bahwa pemerintah Indonesia mendukung adanya rebranding tersebut. “Rebranding adalah langkah bagus untuk dapat melompat lebih tinggi, sejalan dengan visi Indonesia Emas 2045”, kata Budi. Budi juga mengapresiasi Asia Cargo Airlines yang mendirikan bengkel pesawat di Kertajati sehingga dapat memaksimalkan faktor keamanan dalam penerbangan.

Acara Grand Launching sendiri dimeriahkan oleh penampilan Dewa 19 with Once Mekel, Ariel Tatum, Cakra Khan, serta Rosli Muharim and Band.

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