TELKOM Indonesia secures both Digital Initiative and Mobile App of the Year trophies at the 2022 Asian Telecom Awards | Asian Business Review
, Indonesia

TELKOM Indonesia secures both Digital Initiative and Mobile App of the Year trophies at the 2022 Asian Telecom Awards

The company’s effort helped save lives as it supported the country’s COVID 19 response initiative.

TELKOM Indonesia, the leading state owned digital telecommunications company in Indonesia, was recognised at the 2022 Asian Telecom Awards, securing both the Digital Initiative and Mobile App of the Year trophies.

The company was awarded the Digital Initiative of the Year Award for the Satu Data Vaksinasi COVID-19 (SDVC) - The One Data System for COVID-19 Vaccination, which provided a reliable system used by the Indonesian Government in addressing the pandemic.

“SDVC is an integrated information system used for preparation, implementation, reporting, monitoring and evaluating COVID-19 Vaccination Program in Indonesia,” the company spokesperson said. “Through this platform, the Indonesian government carried out its vaccination target to achieve herd immunity (> 70% people vaccinated), based on its category prioritisation and vaccine availability,” said TELKOM.

The SDVC organised the system in a seamless manner that incorporated key features such as data integration, managing priority recipients, bulk and self-registration system, mapping of vaccine supply and distribution, and finally the monitoring of the vaccination results.

Through the systematic approach employed by the SDVC, complicated processes like validating vaccine recipients, determining the schedule according to vaccine availability and target prioritisation, as well as the monitoring of vaccines (delivered, used, wasted, and stocked) in every healthcare facility, became possible for Indonesia.

“In January 2022, the achievement of COVID-19 vaccination/injections in Indonesia had reached > 319 million doses in total (or 186 million dose-1). This achievement has brought Indonesia to rank fourth in the world after China 1.2 billion, India 880 million, and the United States 246 million, surpassing Brazil. Almost all provinces in the country have achieved the target of 70% vaccination,” the company spokesperson explained.

Furthermore, SDVC can be upgraded to become the platform for developing the government’s “One Health Data for Indonesia” spearheaded by the country’s Ministry of Health. This initiative was only possible because SDVC was developed and runs over the cloud managed by TELKOM Indonesia.

“SDVC will manage 600 million COVID-19 vaccination data. We can use this platform for other national vaccination programs, and leverage it for health information exchange to record electronic health records and other healthcare data included in the pharmaceutical ecosystem,” added TELKOM.

Meanwhile, the company received its Mobile App of the Year trophy for PeduliLindungi, an application developed in collaboration with Ministry of Health to assist the Indonesian Government in tracking and tracing people to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

The app works as a monitoring tool for the contact tracing cases. It relies on public participation to share their location data with each other whilst travelling so that contact history tracing with COVID-19 suspects can be carried out. 

Users can visit many public areas and use all means of public transportation by presenting their recent Covid-19 health status in the app consisting of their PCR/antigen test results and their vaccination status. This feature will screen that only the healthy people are eligible to access public facilities. Hence, facility managers can assure the visitors that their business places are always safe from Covid-19.

Moreover, the app also provides the global recognised vaccine certificates for international traveling and telemedicine services from affiliated telemedicine providers.

"Currently, PeduliLindungi has more than 93 million registered users and around 52 million monthly active users. In the near future, the app will be added with more health services and integrated with Indonesia Health Services (IHS) Platform owned by Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia,” TELKOM concluded.

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